If this happens on the last life, the game over screen shows the character float all the way up into and get locked into the mountaintop prison with eleven other victims in small individual jail cells in eternal tragedy as a green bubble dragon.

Wily steers a massive asteroid into the Earth, destroying it. Wily's Revenge (not the Game Boy one, but a custom quest for Zelda Classic, a recreation of the original The Legend of Zelda game with an editor program for making your own games) has a scene where Dr. Letting The Imprisoned reach the Sealed Temple in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword has him destroying it while Granny/ Future Impa cries out in despair.The last bell rings, killing Zelda and making Ezlo scream This Cannot Be!. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap has one if you take too long defeating Vaati's final wave of enemies in Dark Hyrule Castle.All items and such gained these last three days are lost. The 3DS remake drives the point home with a bit of text after the cutscene.Īnd so the angry moon fell from the sky, annihilating this world and its many inhabitants. Even worse, Majora appears to laugh in your face one last time. If you allow your three days to run out without resetting the "Groundhog Day" Loop in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, you get to see the moon fall and destroy everyone.Apparently, Hyrule is burning, and that's the last we'll ever see of it. The Disk System version is even worse, displaying a black screen with "RETURN OF GANON THE END" and playing a digitized roar. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link: Link's death is Ganon's return, and there is no longer anything standing in his way.Which was nothing compared to the terrifying and creepy ending (in a campy GWAR-ish kind of way) you would get if you were to let the darkness take over you.However, if you died in the second half of the game, you were fully shown the horrible fate of your city.The first one, if you died in the first half of the game, just quickly hinted that it gets worse after your death.Dark Earth had three different Game Over endings:.Either way, there's no shaking that sense that the game developers just stuck their big pointing fingers at the gamer, saying " You Bastard! Look what you did to your favorite character. It may, however, become very annoying when the game is hard and requires the player to try and fail over and over.

If it's a cartoon action game that features cute, playable characters, be warned: The Game Over scene may show them in a pitiful, humiliating state of powerless defeat. If done right, it will end up being very, very depressing, especially for younger gamers, and thus a very strong incentive to not die. This has the effect of getting players so upset that they are inclined to Set Right What Once Went Wrong and retry the game. They failed and now they will live just long enough to see the Big Bad claim victory and to see the END OF THEIR CIVILIZATION. They didn't just get a Game Over where they can reload and everything's fine-they FAILED. Some particularly cruel game developers aren't satisfied with just telling them how badly they lost-they have to show that the player failed through an alternate Downer Ending in which players are forced to endure the terrible fate that awaits the characters they were supposed to be helping.